BBQ Chicken Recipes


Hai Hepiguys!
Hari ini kita akan membuat ayam bakar bumbu rujak
Yang rasanya beda guys! Yuk buktikan!
Cocok dihidangkan untuk keluarga
Bisa untuk menu berbuka puasa
Buat jualan ayam bakar, pasti laku

Bahan bahannya:
– 1 ekor ayam dipotong 4
– Bawang merah 4 siung
– Bawang putih 4 siung
– Cabe merah besar 7 buah
– Cabe merah keriting 10 buah
Kalo mau yang lebih pedas, cabenya boleh ditambah
– Kemiri 20 gram
– Air 200 ml

Cara membuatnya:
Bawang merah, bawang putih, kemiri, cabe merah dan cabe keriting diblender dengan air sampai halus

– Minyak sayur secukupnya

Tumis bumbu yang sudah di blender sampai wangi, sampai tidak bau langu atau bau mentah

– Daun salam 2 lembar
– Daun jeruk 2 lembar
– Sereh 1 batang lalu digeprek

Masukkan daun salam, daun jeruk dan sereh, aduk sebentar

Bumbu bumbu lain:
– Santan kental 1 butir
1 kelapa parut dengan 1 liter air lalu diperas
– Gula merah 70 gram atau 2 bulatan
Gula merah diris tipis tipis
– Gula pasir 1 sdm muncung / 15 gram
– Penyedap rasa/micin 1 sdm / 7 gram
– Garam 1 sdm muncung / 10 gram
– Kaldu ayam 1 sdm muncung / 10 gram

Masukkan santannya
Masukkan, garam, gula merah, gula pasir, kaldu ayam dan micin
Masukkan ayamnya
Aduk aduk supaya bumbunya merata
Supaya bumbunya meresap, ayamnya bisa ditusuk tusuk pakai garpu
Diamkan sampai bumbunya mengental dan meresap
Setelah mateng, paha ayam diangkat lebih dahulu, karena lebih cepat mateng
Diamkan sebentar, kemudian angkat potongan dadanya
Bumbunya dimasak terus menerus sampai benar benar kental
Setelah itu ayam siap dibakar
Bakar sampai kedua sisinya terbakar merata
Bakar dengan api kecil
Setelah dibakar, taburkan bumbunya diatasnya
Ayam bakar bumbu rujak sudah selesai, siap untuk dihidangkan
Peraskan jeruk limo supaya rasanya lebih segar
Cocok disantap dengan sambel terasi dan lalapan

Bantu share video ini keteman teman kamu yang suka masak.

Selamat mencoba!
Bila sudah mencoba, kasih komen ya!
Terima kasih


This one is different guys!
Come on, prove it!

– 1 chicken cut 4
– 4 cloves onion
– Garlic 4 cloves
– 7 large red chilies
– 10 curly red chilies
If you want something more spicy, you can add the chili, guys!
– Candlenut 20 grams
– 200 ml water

How to make:
Onion, garlic, candlenut, red chili and curly chili are blended with water until smooth
– Vegetable oil to taste
Sauté the seasoning that has been blended until fragrant, so that it does not smell unpleasant
– 2 bay leaves
– 2 pieces of orange leaf
– 1 lemongrass then choked
Add bay leaves, orange leaves and lemongrass, stir briefly
Other seasonings:
– Thick coconut milk 1 item
– 1 grated coconut with 1 liter of water then squeezed
– 70 grams of brown sugar
Thinly thin brown sugar
– 1 tablespoon sugar / 15 gram
– 1 tablespoon / micin seasoning / 7 gram
– 1 tablespoon salt / 10 gram
-1 tablespoon of chicken broth / 10 gram

Add coconut milk
Add, salt, brown sugar, sugar, chicken broth and seasoning
Add the chicken
Stir well so that the seasoning is evenly distributed
In order for the marinade to sink in, the chicken can be skewered with a fork
Let stand until the seasoning thickens
After cooked, chicken thighs are lifted first, because they are faster
Let stand for a while, then lift the breast pieces
The marinade is cooked continuously until it is really thick
After that the chicken is ready to be grilled
Grill until both sides grill evenly
Grill on low heat
After grilled, sprinkle seasoning on it
Grilled spicy chicken is finished and ready to serve.
More delicious to eat with shrimp paste sauce

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Original of the video here

BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
BBQ Turkey Recipes

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