Original of the video here
BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
BBQ Turkey Recipes
Video Transcription
type it chef Joe very cool to do when Ibring you a quick video on how to make abasic brine for meats some of the thingsyou’ll need is a utensil for mixing thebrine your measuring utensils with beinga scale measuring cup and teaspoons theingredients you’ll need are simple aswater black peppercornsof course of salt and ice we’re go aheadand add all the ingredients to the waterhere put it over the flame and bring itto a nice simmer okay so our water hascome to a simmer and the salt that isfully dissolved they’re going to take itoff the heat here and carefully pour itover the ice pull it down quickly inorder to use the brian right away we’rejoining our ice together we’re justgoing to quickly mix this together sothe ice melts and the grain gets to theproper temperature so it’s nice and coolto add to the you saw our brain is readywe’ve got three nice boneless pork chopsa big cut and put them into the pan takeour nice cool Bryant pour it over thetop of it salt was always out there overthe top cover over the public paperhouse to make sure that they staysubmerged therefully brightened a little plastic wrapover the top of that put these in therefrigerator 35 an hour and a half andin the meantime we’re going to go aheadand set up our girl so our pork chopshave been seasoned and they’re not readyfor the grill I’m going to turn it overto chef Weber to go ahead and show youthe proper technique to grill mark andcook the pork chopsstraight down to the hormonal pan spreadjust to make sure that nothing’s goingto stick[Applause]want to play some on they’re writingabout a tennis chin o’clock angle thatway when you go to flip them and rotatethem you can rotate the two o’clockthink it’s a nice cross edge marks sortof nice diamond grill marks[Music]all right we’re on our final rotationever to makethey turn back red tip these chops seewhere they’re at you always want to goright in the middle we’ll give thelooters shut for another couple minutesand there’s a possibility we might haveto go onto a wire rack to let them cookaway from the heat a little bitall right spend another couple minutesI’m going to tip my pork chops one moretime just to make sure they are donewe’re gonna take them to nice 135 sothey stay nice medium obviously you cancook the porkso whatever temps you like I prefer amedium pork stuff so we’ll seewhen you’re good come on we’re going toPalm off and we’ll let them rest as theyrest that temperature will carry alittle bit more and bring them to thatfinal medium cooking temperature keepsthem nice and moist and tender okay soour pork chop has come off the grill andrested for about five minutes we’regoing ahead and slice it right now justto show you a nice quick temperature onthe inside it should be about a mediumtake a nice pink and juicybring that out so you can see itand that is our grilled pork chop that’sbeen brined seasoned grillit’s licensing friction