Thick cut pork chops on the grill super easy and simple
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BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
BBQ Turkey Recipes
Video Transcription
hi Lindsey here like and subscribe tothe channel if you haven’t already hitthat Bell up top for those notificationbe preparing these thick cut pork chopstoday I’m gonna throw them on the grilland I start season a start off with mybasic seasonings I always typically usesalt and pepper onion powder and garlicpowder they’re like a must in my houseand when I grow stuff I like to use theMcCormick grill mates I’m gonna sprinklesome of that on all of these thick porkchopsso I’ve already seasoned the other sideof the pork I’m just gonna show you guysI have my Himalayan pink salt Isprinkled that all over my pork chopsthen I got my ground black pepper and Idid the same basically you’re gonna dothis with all of your seasonings that Itook out there we goonion powder garlic powder I love garlicpowder YUM they’re smelling good andthen the last step is the grill mates Ilove to use this on anything I’mgrilling I also have the steak seasoningtoo look at that so nice and who doesn’tlike anything roasted garlic and herblike are you even living if you don’tlike who are you YUMso now that I have my pork chopsseasoning all complete I’m gonna letthese sit and marinate probably for atleast thirty minutes before I throw themon my grill I’m gonna start letting thegrill preheat and prep the rest of mysides and for my side today we’rekeeping it so simple born race in theSouth love me some mac and cheese andbeans so we’re gonna just have this perside with our grilled pork chops nothingspecial tonight but I’ll show you how Igrow my jobsee hi honey say hi we’re in thebackyard Wow we’re gonna do somegrilling say subscribe to the channel ifyou haven’t already my mom’s cooking isawesome so we have some pork chops righthere we’ve already marinated and we haveour grill heating up look at that it’sbeautiful goodgrills ready I love that sound and therewe have it already smells so good andthey’ve already been on for a fewseconds I’m gonna close the lidso they heat doesn’t negate tomorrowbeautiful grill marks just continue andcook until they’re cetera those juices