BBQ Chicken Recipes

Slow cooked bbq chicken breast

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what is up everybody welcome back toanother episode with hot plates forthose that are new joining in thechannel my name is lucky thank you forcoming in please give me a light thumbsup please subscribe and leave me acomment down below if this is your firsttime ever coming in for those of youthat have been here thank you everybodyfor the support I know right now we’reat tough times but we just got to bemotivated majus do we got to do this youdon’t something to make it through thisdifficult time and it’s just staypositive but for the meantime betweentime I’m over here whipping up a littlewhat I called it a honey dish on chickenit’s two chicken breasts really imarinate it most I like to put a littlebit of honey in there I got honey lemonblack pepper a little bit of salttony satter ease and i wrapped it aroundwith some thick foil paper pretty muchthat’s about it guys and got somejalapeno poppers in there let me giveyou a little view what I got going on ohyeah stay tuned guys we are going tomake us a good nice hot plate tonightokay start to see smoke now oh yeah thatmeans that Baker’s cooking nice and goodI smell it smell sweetness of theirbaconoh yeah that is stuff with some littlecream cheese just taking the food we gotgoing on my honey discharge a gettinggot to well that’s everything is myfirst time making it and I don’t evengot on top of a fire type in thecomments which I thing which I eat it ifyou try it what your boy lucky one timesee like a flip it over I think 50 dosesI’ve had oh yeah they get it done someonions is salt oh stop I just decidedposted my news on I get some extraflavorno saying oh my god like someone’s gonnapartake oh yeah world Mo’s therejust checking on it and by the lookssmoky bacon oh yesI’m about to be finished with this yoand you’ll see me in the kitchen slicingup my chicken all right guys now sincewe’re back in the kitchen like I said wegot the bacon trip and had opinion Papasave that extra juice that you see inthere and slice up the chicken and pouryou know juice oversized chicken thatwayI mean it’s mostly as it is but I wantto be technical just you knows how toeatlike gravy with nitrous and we gotchorizo and we’re gonna smash the beansright there and that’s gonna be heatwhat does have a peppers there you gofellas they stay in tune to hot platesand opinion peppers diced up chickenbreast and juice to put over yourchicken and you don’t want it to drivewhich is still moist in we got the beansdone oh yeah thanks for watching if youliked please give me a thumbs up don’tbe afraid to share comment down belowwhat your purposes are about this summerI’m my first time coming down belowsomething that you want me to do nextand thank you for watching like I said

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