BBQ Pork Recipes

Grilled Pork Steaks on Pit Boss Pellet Grill with Monroe County Dipping Sauce

Today I’ll make a southern favorite Grilled Pork Steaks on the Pit Boss Pelelt Grill with a Monroe County dipping sauce. (a.k.a. Monroe County Pork Steaks).

Recipe Ingredients
• 2 to 8 pork steaks
• 2 cups distilled white vinegar
• 1 stick unsalted butter
• 4 teaspoons ground black pepper
• 4 teaspoons cayenne pepper
• 4 teaspoons Kosher salt

Steve Raichlen’s Barbecue Bible

Monroe County-Style Pork Steaks

Southern Living

This is Why KTC is Hot

NY Times

Meat Church Honey Bacon BBQ Rub
Meat Church Honey Bacon BBQ Rub

Armadillo Pepper Hot Sauce, BBQ Sauce, Jerky & Snack Store

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and today I’m gonna make something takesme back to my childhood pork steaks yeahI know well it’s the Parkes days hopethey take a pork shoulder and sometimesit’ll even freeze it and take a saw andthey’ll cut real thin you know like aninch 3/4 inch even 1/2 inchkind of steaks off of it and in thetradition of being from Kentucky andmaking these pork steaks we’re gonnaprepare them with the vinegar mop sauceor what’s often called Monroe Countypork steaks now we’re going to do thesepork steaks on the pit-boss pellet grilltoday you don’t have to have thepit-boss we’re gonna have two stepssmoke and then grip right now you canskip the whole smoke step but that’swhat I like you can grill these on a gasgrill or whatever kind of reel you gotnow to start this whole deal out I gotthis meat church bacon honey barbecuerub now you don’t need this and I willtell you this is the one thing aboutthis recipe that’s not authentic okayall you need is salt and pepper but howI like to make this recipe is i increasethe heat and because of that you’llappreciate the sweetness from thebarbecue rub you don’t have thisbarbecue rub you don’t need to have itit’s just the way I like to do it youcan use your own barbecue rub or like Isaid you can just use salt and pepperright so all we’re gonna do is lightlyseasoned each side now I want to showyou look right they cut these porksteaks really thin I mean we’re lucky ifthat’s hope you can see that we’re luckyif that’s 1/2 inch and Lucky’s not theright word but I’m just saying they’renot very thick at all and that’s thebeauty of these if you’re just gonnagrill straight up you can finish theseguys off in less than 10 minutes rightso we got these bad boys seasoned upwhat we’re going to do now is I’m goingto move them over to this pit-bosspellet grill on the smoke settingand all we’re going to do see we got anice smoke and by the way authenticlucky pork steaks use Hickory thisMonroe County uses Hickory so I got someHickory pellets in here this is wherethe on this particular palette boss thepellets feed in right here it’s always alittle hotter and all I’m trying to dois get smoked so I’m gonna let them goabout 20-30 minutes spend 30 minutes nowlook you know they’re not going to bedone right all I’m trying to do is getsome smoke flavor on these pork steaksokay just go turn each one over let itgo another maybe 20 minutes okay andthen we’ll talk about finishing at alllet’s get this dippin sauce ready okay Igot one stick of butter it’s beensitting out all right just helps it nomilk faster all right oh let’s put it ohhere’s the spoon okay I’m just gonna getour butter melted what I’ve got heretwo cups white vinegar now by the wayyou saw we had two pork steaks you couldeasily do six even eight for that samesize so if you want to cut this recipeback just go ahead just keep all theproportions the same okay yeah let’stalk about what we got here all rightfour teaspoons cayenne pepper fourteaspoons kosher salt four teaspoons ofblack pepper now this is gonna be alittle spicy and as I said when I putthat honey bacon barbecue rub on therefor meat church that’s gonna give alittle sweet to counterbalance the spiceif you don’t want it too spicy take ateaspoon out of that cayenne so like Isaid easy to remember four teaspoonsCayenne kosher salt black pepper whatI’m gonna do is just bring this up to aboil simmer it down a little bit youdon’t have to simmer it down all the waylike you would for a thick the barbecuesauce but you can see right now we’repretty runny we definitely don’t want tobe that runnyit’s been seven here maybe I don’t know10 minutes see we got that beautifulcollar from the Cayenneit’s been another 20 minutes okay we gotplenty of smoke on this nowno doubt we got Claudia smoke just gonnatake these guys off now we’re going todo is we’re going to grill these guys upright if you all have a pellet grill youknow you can get some fire on this sideokay look at that now you can see whatI’ve done here is I’ve cranked this guyup to 350 you can see we’re already upto 95 now why are fires coming up thisgrill is coming on up 350 mark we’regoing to shut this lid let it come upthe tip didn’t put their pork steaksback on it boss is up to temp alrightsee that fire going over here I don’twant them trick there with a fire put itright herebut this part of the code is only gonnatake 5 10 minutes talkall right it’s been five minutes okayyeah what I’m gonna do is turn theseguys over look at that I’m starting toget some nice char on them all right youcan see that nice char on the back wedon’t put a runner with his fire they’llget to Duns now I’m gonna take thatmopping sauce right we’re gonna mop thetop of these bad boys we only got aboutfive more minutes they’ll be done lookat thatlook it that I’m gonna get these porksteak off in here just look at that lookat that collarlet me get the second one off we’ll dothe taste test I’ve made these quite afew times I don’t really see any reasonto let these guys rest okay what I amgonna do is dip them one more time inthat spicy Cayenne sauce each one ofthem cayenne vinegar almost lost thatone did not okay let me get it back onthere look at that I’m telling you theseare gonna be awesomenow Monroe County Kentucky is right inthe center of the state down in thesouth and the idea or the thinkingbehind the history behind these porksteaks is that there was a lot oftobacco raised there right I have put inthe back I put in my fair share hey okayand this was something quick that theycould serve for the folks working in thetobacco fields okay there it is look atthat oh I don’t know if that comes up inthe video or not but it’s got a verymild smoke ring right there and righthere awesome now like I said the onlything that’s not traditional about thisis me putting that barbecue rub on it ifyou don’t want to do that don’t do itI made this many times without thebarbecue rub I usually just put salt andpepper let’s give this a tryI’ve made this half a dozen times Idon’t know if it’s because my motherused to make pork steak no she didn’tput no cayenne pepper on pork steaks shedidn’t like spicy food I don’t know ifit’s just a pork steak or what but itjust takes me backjuicy super juicy you get the smoke fromfrom that real low smoke we put on itlike I said you don’t have to do thatyou can just grill these guys up folksall the four teaspoons of cayenne toprobably say how hot is it you startthat hot right first of all you get thatlittle tartness from the vinegarI get pepper and then I get cayenne Idon’t think I can ever make me so much Imake these enough that’s just how much Ilove them now traditionally these willbe served if you’re in Kentucky thiswill be served with a vinegar-based slawI hope you hit that subscribe button ifyou’re not a subscriber already hit thebell you’ll be notified of all of ournew videos[Applause][Music][Applause]

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