BBQ Pork Recipes

How to Cook Ribs in the Oven | Craveable BBQ Ribs with Vinegar Slaw

It’s the season for dad ribs. We’re showing you how to cook ribs in the oven (or grill), plus make a killer homemade barbecue sauce with a side of vinegar slaw. Be sure to watch til the end to find out how to get that must-have crystal pork brittle crunch on the outside that makes them SO craveable. Hit play, grab a towel, and prepare for the meat sweats.

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250g or 1 CUP KETCHUP
20g or 2 TSP HOT SAUCE
7g or 1.5g CHILI POWDER


100g CARROT or 1 LARGE
150g or 1 small RED ONION
30g SALT

100g SUGAR

#ribs #bbqribs #dadribs


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when I was a kid my dad could onlyreally cook one thing well sorry dad itwas boiling ribs in an oven or on astovetop taking them outside char themon the grill a little bit ofstore-bought sauce do it for a crowd inpeople lose their minds make it for agraduation or a 4th of July partyseriously people go crazy in this videoI’m going to show you what ribs to usehow to cook them I’m going to prove toyou that making your own barbecue sauceis worth it and then we’re gonna do somecrunchy slaw as a side to cut throughsome of that fat on these ribs[Music]so we basically have three options whenit comes to buying ribs for this recipenumber one is baby back ribs these comefrom the top section of the ribcage andare usually the most expensive and thelightest in terms of like porky ribflavor still a great option they cook alittle bit faster they’re just not asflavorful and I prefer the ribs from thebottom section of the rib cage whichleads me to number two which isspareribs it’s basically the entirebottom half of the rib cage it includesthe rib tips and a little bit of bellythey’re not that uniformed and there’s alot of cartilage in the bottom that’swhy they’re not my favorite choice butthere’s a ton of flavor and these arenot that expensivethe third option and my favorite is thest. louis-style rib it’s basically themiddle section of the rib cage or thetop part of the spare rib you’ve lostthe rib tips and some of that belly andcartilage on the bottom and you havethis really uniform rib shape throughoutjust like a baby back rib it looks greaton a grill it’s a very flavorful rib ithas a great presentation and it alsohappens to be the cheapest one at mygrocery store so we’re gonna grab ourracks we’re gonna cut them out of thepackaging and then we’re gonna removethe silver skin this is easy just runyour finger in between the ribsunderneath and just kind of lift it upit’ll start to separate and then you’regonna grab with your whole hand and pullit towards one end if you don’t want tomess with pulling off the silver skinmost butchers will clean them up for youjust have to ask we’re gonna cut theseracks into two six ish bone half slabsand we’re gonna set them aside we’regonna make a quick rub to season theseribs in to bring a little bit ofsmokiness to do that in a bowl combine 1tablespoon chilli powder 1 tbsp blackpepper 1 tsp garlic powder and 1tablespoon salt stir this to combine andthen grab a slab we’re gonna season thisgenerously with five to six pinches perside and then we’re gonna double wrap itwith foil as you can see here I’mwrapping one side flipping it over sothat the open top is covered on thebottom and then I’m gonna wrap it againwe want to seal the steaming juices intothese and creating little tight wrappedfoil packets is how we do that we’regonna preheat the oven at 275 degreesthrow our ribs on a sheet tray and set atimer for 3 hours we’re gonna be cookingthese low and slow before we worry aboutthe grill this is a simple process ofjust melting the internal connectivetissue and all that marbled fat so themeat becomes tender juicy and just pullsoff the bone note that I said pull offthe bone I am NOT in the camp that saysfalling off the bone is the ideal endstate for ribsI love tender juicy meat but I also wantto know that I’m eating meon a bone so the tenderness that we’regoing for here is when you bite it itpulls off you don’t have to work on itlike a dog bone but it just kind ofseparates naturally with a little bit ofpull from you and your teeth if you wantit falling off the bone add a 45 minutesto our initial three hours it’ll trembleand shred and disintegrate just bylooking at itso our ribs are started and I want tomention that these ribs should probablybe made ahead they char on the grillbetter they stay together easier andjust all-around more fun and easy ifyou’re having people over for a barbecueand then event all we’re doing ispulling them out of the fridge when thegrill is hot and throwing them on withsome barbecue sauce the speaking ofsauce will be making some right now butby the way store-bought sauce totallyworks 90% of the dad ribs I’ve evereaten or made in my entire life are madewith store-bought sauce so let me knowin the comments are you guys loyalistsany sauces I think I’m an open pit onionflavored guy I could go Caseymasterpiecemolls sweet baby race I don’t know letme know it’s actually make this saucewe’re gonna peel and grate a whole smallred onion on a box grater grating itlike this helps it melt into the sauceand gives us a mellow oniony sweetnessthat I identify as like a secretingredient in exceptional barbecue sauceonce we’re grated we’re gonna throw thisonion into a small saucepan and put itover medium heat along with 35 grams ofneutral oil like sunflower or canola oilI’m also gonna add one large clove ofgarlic that I’ve run through a garlicpress we’re gonna stir this thingcombined and sweat it out for three tofour minutes with a strong pinch of saltuntil the liquids cooked off and it’sjust starting to soften at this pointwe’re gonna add the rest of ouringredients that’s 250 grams of ketchup20 grams hot sauce 5 grams of Worchestersure 100 grams of molasses 20 grams ofyellow mustard 30 grams of apple cidervinegar and 1 gram each chili powder andchili flake we’re gonna stir all that upto combine we’re gonna simmer that onlow for about 15 minutes to slightlyreduce and let everything get to knoweach other after 15 minutes that sausagelook like this it’s noticeably darkerit’s thick it’s got some large bubblesthat should just be popping throughwe’re gonna set that aside to cool andthen we’re gonna figure out a side to gowith our ribs when I think of rich fattyribs I want something that’s tart andcold and crunchy to kind ofcounterbalance that richnesstoday we’re gonna be making a sweetvinegar slaw to balance that out forthat you’re gonna start with a mediumsmall head of green cabbagewe’re gonna cut that in half and coredout and we’re gonna finely shred it hereI’m gonna start out with a mandolinthat’s my preferred method I use aJapanese mandolin slicer here I do notrecommend those heavy expensive Germanonesthey tear your hands to shreds but youcan also use a knife as you can see herewe’re just looking to get this cabbageas thin as possible all day we need 500grams of shredded cabbage so I’m goingto measure that into a bowl I’m gonnaset it aside and I’m gonna grab a largecarrot I’m using my julienne peeler hereand I highly recommend you get one Imentioned this in a previous video butthey’re available for about four or fivedollars online I’ll link to one belowit’s invaluable for taking largevegetables and turning them into smallervegetables we’re gonna shred this carrotoff you can use a knife if you don’thave a julienne peeler we’re looking fora hundred grams we’re gonna throw thatin the bowl with the cabbage we’re gonnagrab half of a red onion and we’re justgonna slice that thinly we need 150grams of that all day we’re gonna throwit into our mesh strainer we’re gonna doexactly what I always do with raw redonions which is we’re gonna rinse itunder cold water that’s the stuff thatgives you onion breath two or threehours later so we rinsing it under coldwater helps us get rid of ithelps making eating raw onions fun againthrow that in the bowl we need 150 gramsall day on top of that we’re gonnameasure 30 grams of salt and 20 grams ofsugar we’re gonna toss well to combineand then we’re gonna let this sit on thecounter for 30 minutes doing this curesit draws out some of the moisture andmakes the veggies a little bit moretender 30 minutes later we’re gonnastrain off the liquid or better yet graba salad spinner and spin off the liquidonce it’s dry we’re gonna throw thisinto a tall container and you’ll see whyin a second we’re gonna measure out twograms of cider vinegar and 100 grams ofsugar and we’re gonna have a strongpinch of chili flake as well I’m gonnapuree this with an immersion blender butyou can also whisk vigorously todissolve the sugar we’re gonna pour thisover the slaw to quickly pickle it we’regonna do that for 30 minutes this acidin sugar is gonna give us a lightcrunchy side that’s gonna boost ourexperience to a higher place when we goto eat these ribs later on after 30minutes we drain off the liquid we setit aside and now it’s a RHIB time so I’mchecking back on these ribs it’s threehours later and I think they’re exactlywhere I want them I’m gonna peek intothe foil with a fork and they want toshred they feel tender and I can get myfork all the way in without muchresistance that a little bit ofresistance is important they’re gonnacarry over quite a bit in this foilpacket when we set them on the counterto cool down so we don’t want them 100%cook we’re looking for maybe 85% of theway there so gonna leave them wrapped infoil on the counter for an hour and ahalf to cool down to rest finish cookingand after that ninety minutes I’m goingto throw them on a plate so put them inthe fridge to cool down here’s a funlittle Pro move here take that restingjuice from the sheet tray pour it intoyour baryou saw stir it in we don’t want to loseany porkiness we don’t want that goingdown the drain so I had it in set yoursauce aside let’s get our grill goingwe got a pole inaudible I was gettingthe grill fired up to char off theseribs and it started to downpour and itis still down pouring I checked theInternet we’re supposed to get goodgrilling weather I did not expect thisbut I do have a back-up planI’m gonna fire at my broiler get itgoing at 5:50 as hot as it’ll go andwe’re going on the same outcome we’regonna have charred glazed sticky ribsthat have kind of like a sweet smokysour barbecue sauce on the outside sodon’t sweat it now we’re doing rainy-dayribs so I’m firing out my broiler I’mgonna grab the ribs out of the fridgethey’re nice and cooled and set up we’regonna throw them on a sheet pan with awire rack and I’m gonna broil thosebabies I’ve got my broiler running superhot I’m gonna put these in firstwithoutsauce we want to get a base layer on thebelly side of these ribs and that takesabout two minutes at that point I’mgonna grab my sauce and we’re gonnaliberally brush these ribs dad ribs areall about that lacquer they’re all aboutthe sauce you want to make sure that weget a ton of this sauce on the outsideand you’re not gonna regret it we’regonna throw these back under the broilerfor two minutes let that sauce reduceand get glazed and then we’re gonna hitwith a second coat I’m doing two halfslabs here because it’s just Lauren andI for dinner but this recipe and thissauce do four half racks all day or twofull slabs we’re gonna throw this backunder the broiler and at this point theylook great I’m gonna hit the back sideonce with some sauce and some broil justto get that perfectly sticky perfectlyglazed all-around rib and if you wanteda really dark crusty lacquered rib youcould go three or four times beforeyou’d have to worry about the sugar andthe sauce getting burnt but here we haveour ribs are hot they’re sticky they’refully glazed in charge just like theywould be on the grill and we’re ready tohave a little indoor rib party now[Music]Thank You platter rips mmm ooh sweetbarbecue sauce but not like too sweetjust enough to bring it into balance I’mgonna wash it down with some of thisstuff mmm that’s sweet and salty meatthis rib now ribs have a totally uniqueflavor taste like no other part of thepig they’re really nice and lacqueredthat sauce is fully stuck to this ribyou guys like ribs right this is the USAafter all mmmso that’s it super-easy craveable ribsthat your dad would be proud to serve ata graduation party area’s famous fourthof July barbecue and your dad gets itribs are fun and they’re easy and theytaste great all we need to do is payattention in the details and bring alittle bit of balance to the table andgrilling season is just getting started4th of July is around the corner fathersdays coming up this could and should bea backyard staple in your repertoire asalways guys if you got value out of thiscontent tell a friend hit subscribe andif you end up cooking this stuff tag uson Instagram we’re at weeds and sardinesand we absolutely love seeing what youguys do with these recipes thank you somuch for sticking around thank you foryour time and attention we’ll see younext time[Music]

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