This is a outline on how to smoke a cure your on sausage. I started off with about 35 pounds of pork butt pork butt is a great meat to use it is about 80% meat 20%fat . This is the combination you need to make a great sausage. We first cut the pork butt up and 2 inch squares which was easy to fit into our grinder which we had placed in the fridge raider. What is the course ground die for a grinder we had a product called tender quick to cure the sausages with about 3 to 4 cups of ice water. Will you mix it by hand. To the ground pork mixture we added Course ground black pepper granulated garlic dry powdered milk to help all the spices to blend together.We also add red chili flakes, modern, Cayenne pepper , white peppe. We mix the gradients all together with ground pork and into our stuff . Stop the casings with our sausage mixture at all sauces for stuff we place the sausages until the fridge raider for three days to let everything cure.
We use the pellet grill to smoke to Sausage due to the fact that we had to have a low temperature for a long period time. We used our pit
boss pellet cooker #PITBOSSNATION #PITBOSSGRILLS #PitBoss
Original of the video here
BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
BBQ Turkey Recipes