What’s poppin, buds! It’s Dae and today I have a delicious recipe that I got from @ArdentLLC on Instagram.. THC INFUSED BBQ SAUCE! Once I saw it, I knew I had to try it.
This recipe is super easy. Takes less than 30 minutes. And comes out delicious!
I used the Ardent LIFT to flawlessly decade my cannabis.
HONORABLE MENTION: Satans Breath CBD ~ they’re on Instagram @Satans_Breath_CBD (trust me you have to try it!)
Follow me on Instagram / @TheBudThatWines
Visit my website at www.TheBudThatWines.com
– 2 grams of decarbed cannabis flower
– 1.5 cups of brown sugar
– 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
– 2.5 tablespoons dry mustard
– 1.5 teaspoons black pepper
– 1.5 cups ketchup
– 1/2 cup red wine vinegar
– 1/2 cup water
– 2 teaspoons salt
– 2 splashes of any hot sauce
– 2 teaspoons of paprika
INSTRUCTIONS CAN ALSO BE FOUND ON MY BLOG! – Visit https://www.thebudthatwines.com/post/thc-infused-bbq-sauce-recipe-weedtube-video
Original of the video here
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Video Transcription
hello everyone I’m day and today we’regonna be making THC infused barbecuesauce this recipe is super easy and sodeliciousit’s from Arden LLC on Instagram and allyou need is some ketchup red winevinegar or Shinshu sauce salt paprikaground mustard brown sugar some waterand a hot sauce of your choice I’m usingSatan’s breath and some d carb cannabisof course so I used the ardent lift todecarbonise I’m gonna have some videoson that coming soon so first you want toweigh out your cannabis this recipecalls for 2 grams so I’m just going togo ahead and weigh out two grams of dcarved cannabis[Music]so I have most of my ingredientspre-measured I’m just getting myone-and-a-half cups of brown sugar readythe saucepan is set to medium and I’mgetting ready to combine the brown sugarketchup vinegar water and wash ensuresauce into the pan so we’re throwing inour 1 and 1/2 cups of brown sugar our1/2 cup of red wine vinegar I don’tthink this goes in any particular orderso you can go ahead and do it howeveryou want and then we’re gonna go aheadand put 1 and 1/2 cups of ketchup[Music]then I add in my half a cup of water andstirred the mixture until I got theketchup to be a little bit smootheryou’re washing your sauce and just keepstirring I kinda didn’t like the chunksso I just wanted to stir it until it gota little bit smoother[Music]once the mixture looks how I liked Iwent ahead and seasoned it with the dryingredients so I went in with the blackpepper the salt in the ground mustardand just mixed that in until thosecombined in with the sauce[Music]and I also have some can of butter inthe backyes it’s double boiling in a crock potbecause I wanted to make a large amountso that’s gone if you were wonderingwhat it that extra pot was and it’salmost done so it’ll be done when I’mdone with this barbecue sauce at thispoint the barbecue sauce smellsdelicious I’m just stirring around andgetting out those chunks those dryingredients that are still a littlechunky and I turned the heat up just alittle bit because the recipe wants youto bring the mixture up to a boil so Iwent ahead and did that as well and I’malso adding in my paprika because Irealized I forgot to do thatso for hot sauce you could use any hotsauce that you want I’m choosing to useSatan’s breath the CBD hot sauce becauseI figured why not add a little bit ofCBD with this THC you know what I’msaying so we’re using the originalflavor and I’m gonna shake this thing upI’m running out it’s time for me to RioI need to order more but I’m just gonnago ahead and top this off with a couplesplashes well more than a couple I kindof want this barbecue sauce to be spicyand then I’m going in with the otherflavor the Jamaican mango and then I’mjust gonna add a couple of drops of thatbecause this one’s pretty spicy[Music][Music]so the sauce mixture came up to a lightboil I don’t have it too hot but Irealized that I forgot to ground up mycannabis so that’s what I’m going aheadand doing so we’re just gonna go aheadand grind that up nice and small[Music]so now that our cannabis is nice andground up you want to take your sauceoff of the heat and then let it cooldown a little bit and sprinkle thecannabis on top of your barbecue saucemixture then you’re just gonna go aheadand stir that on up make sure it’s mixedin all the way[Music]once the cannabis is all mixed in to thebarbecue sauce then you’re doneand it’s time to store it so I have thiscute little bottle that I got from Ithink Dollar Tree so I’m gonna use thatand I have a funnel that I specificallyuse for cooking so that’s also what I’musing and I’m just going and dumping asmuch as I can into there and fillingthat thing way up and I still have quitea bit of barbecue sauce so I’m justlooking for extra storage and I end upusing these cute little glass jars thatI have so I’m able to fill up one and ahalf of those so I have plenty plenty ofTHC infused barbecue sauce in terms ofTHC content we use two grams of cannabisthat contains 16 percent THC so ourentire recipe has 320 mgs of THC you cango to how to edibles calm for a quickedibles dosage calculator and it makesit super easy so that’s what I used thisrecipe came out so good if you try itplease let me know thank you guys forwatching I hope you enjoyed see you nexttime bye