How To Make A Delicious Black Eye Cook Up With BBQ Pineapple Lamb Chops Guyanese Style
1 1/2 cup Black Eye
2 1/2 cup rice
1 1/2 to 2 cups coconut milk
1 cup chicken broth
1 large onion
1 bundled scallion
6 clove garlic
4-5 chili pepper
1 handful parsley
5-6 fresh basil leaves
3 thick leave thyme
1 tablespoon fine thyme
1 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp onion powder
1 tsp black pepper
2 tablespoon chicken cube powder
1 1/2 cup water
for my BBQ sauce
1/4 cup ketchup
1/4 BBQ sauce
1/4 Tomatoes Sauce
1/2 cup pineapple marinade
2 tablespoon brown sugar
2 tablespoon orange juice
for my dry rub
1 tsp dry basil
1 tsp fine thyme
1 tsp Italian seasoning
1 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp onion powder
1 tsp black pepper
2 tablespoon chicken cube powder
1 package of sazon
1 tsp mr Dash
Original of the video here
BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
BBQ Turkey Recipes
Video Transcription
good evening guys today I am going to goahead and show you how how to I’m gonnago ahead and prepare them for you guystoday I’m gonna be making barbecued lumpin my open guns okay and maybe I’ll dosome some rice to go over that there’ssomething I haven’t decided on that partof the deal yet but right now I’m gonnabe preparing some show you how toprepare some lung for the barbecue guysokay so first I’m gonna go ahead andmarinate these long skies so bear withme one second okay so I have my lunghere which I’m gonna head and I washedthoroughly with some lemon some vinegarsalt and flour and I Pat them dry here Igotta stay a very trying nice here sowhat I’m going to do now guys I’m goingto go ahead and I am going to season inmy lung because I’m going to bemarinating these lungs guys before I putit into the oven I what I’m gonna besitting in this lung with guys it’s myhomemade dry rub guns okay so in my bowlhere I made up some dry rub here which Ihave better health dried basil driedoregano dried tallien season I have drythymeI have some crushed pepper I have I havesome cute powder I have some garlicgarlic powder onion powder some somecayenne pepper black pepper and theywent ahead dice and I mix the story sothis is what I’m gonna be using on myweekly guys for my dry rub so what I’mgoing to do first guys I’m going to goahead and I’m going to take my olive oiland I am going to coat thesebefore I do that guys I am going tostart putting my dry rub onto my meatguys and this is what I’m gonna do I’mgoing to make sure that all my meat isfully coated with my dry rub here makesure they’re all fully coated rice allof itit’s fully coded here yeah you want toget the seasoning all over on the meatspice the edges the sides all over guysokay just like that and what I’m goingto do now is I’m going to take my oliveoil and I am going to drizzle it on mymeat here guysjust a little bunnies just drizzle it onmy meat and then I’m going to go aheadand I’m going to pack my seasoning ontomy meat here guys just let that wait torub my season into my meat here justlike that and this with my olive oil andalong my season and I have here I’mgoing to make sure that every part of mymeat get this dry rub guys and I’m goingto rub it in to the meat just like thatnicely rub it into the meat guys justlike that and then I am going to repeatthis on the other side nice so I’m goingto go ahead and I’m going to flip thisover just like thatjust like that and I’m going to do thesame with the seasoning I’m going tomake sure that all of it get to drivewrongand I’m going to list everything in thedescription in detail guys so you knowexactly how much and the measurement foreach seasoning that you need for thisgyro price I’m going to list everythingin the description okay we’ll make sureall of your needsfully seasoning goes along it’s a kindof meat that is you have to season andliterally have to make sure that itstarted seasoning I’m gonna go ahead andwash my hand okay and now I’m going torepeat this with the oil the olive oilI’m going to make sure that my meat isfully coated here and this is going totenderize the meat that and I am goingto massage the seasoning again into thisside of the meat make sure that it’s allfully coated nicely massage them intothe meat guys your last like thatlook how beautiful this look alreadyguys so what I’m going to do now guys Iam going to transfer this over into mybaking pans and I’m going to cover with1/4 paper and let it rest for 20 minutesguys let it marinate for 20 minutes Iwill go ahead and show you that now sobear with me so I have my baking dishhere guys but I’m going to go ahead andI am going to lay my chops by love chopsinto my baking dish just like that justlike that guys I’m going to take myseasoning off my board here guys all ofit try to get as much off and I am goingto continue to rub it onto my meat hereok guys so there you have it so I amgoing to go ahead and I am going tocover this with a fourth pan guys I’mgoing to go ahead and cover this and letit marinate for about 20 to 25 minutesguys before I start baking it in my ovenokay I haven’t put any barbecue sauce orany sauce on this time guys while thisis cooking that’s what I’m gonna goahead and baste it with my barbecuesauce but I will show you that step whenI get to it but right now guys I justmarinate my meat with my dry rub on myolive oil so I’m gonna go ahead andcover this with a fork back and forthpaper and I’m gonna let this rest forabout 20 to 25 minutes before I put itin the oven okay I will show you thatwhen I get to that pointokay guys so bear with me I decided thatI am going to be making some black Pikefootball with my laptop that’s beenmarinating here now for the past 25minutes 5 so in my pressure pot hereguysII have one and a half cup of black eyethat I’m pressuring here for about 30minutes guys because I didn’t soaked itovernightso I’m going to pressure it for about 30to 45 minutes and my pressure pop sothis is being pressured right now andthen I’ll go ahead and I’ll show you howto make the backlight cook up and overhere guysmy laptop has been marinating now forplus twenty five minutes guysthere you have it look how beautifulwill suffice look enough for the past 45minutes guys this will marinate it sowhat I’m going to do now guys I am goingto put this in my oven I set my oven at350 degrees and I am going to be bakingthis for of course 20 minutes or 25minutes and then I’ll go ahead and checkon it and then I’ll start basing it withthe barbecue sauce which I’m going to bemaking in a little while to show you howto make the barbecue sauce for itI’m not just gonna take the barbecuesauce from the border guys um I am gonnamix it with a few other items and that’swhat I’m gonna be basing my laptop withkinds but as of right now guys I amgonna wait until my over right now it’sprecept for 350-degree I’m going to waituntil it gets to that point and thenI’ll be placing this all open guys I’mnot gonna be putting any photo paperover this I’m gonna be placing this justlike that into my oven for the first 20minutes guys 20 25 minutes and then I’llcome back and we’ll start basting itokay thanks so I’ll see you in a few soright now I have my beans which ispressuring here and after this finishedpressuring I’m gonna go ahead and showyou how to start making the right skiesand then I’ll go ahead and a place tosomething I open my lamb chop and we’llgo from there okay thanks a berimbau ismy lamb chops are in the oven right nowcooking it’s been about 15 minutes sinceis cooking in the oven guys so I’m gonnago ahead and check on that in the next10 to 15 minutesand right now what I’m going to do I’mgoing to show you how to make the blackeye cup guys okay or the black eyerice guys alright so what I have hereguys I went ahead earlier and I pressureone and a half cup of black re thereguys which I crush every it’s verytender guys look enough so I went aheadwhen I pressure one and a half cup ofblack eye and in my bowl here I have two1/2 cups of rice that I went here andthen washed and I wash my rights guysuntil the water is clear and I canactually see the rice so I wash my facea couple of times and over here I haveall the ingredients to make my home mycook up with the black eyed guys I havemy onions my scallions my garlic mybasil my Spanish time or some of us knewit does not leave time my finally it’stime dried thyme there and my chilipepper also here I have my chicken broththat I’m going to be using and in mymeasuring cup here guys I have one and ahalf cup of freshly squeezed coconutmilk eyes look how thick this is freshlysqueezed coconut milk I have 1/2 cup offreshly squeezed but if you don’t havefresh coconut guys what I did I kept twococonut from the grocery store guys I’mlike burst if I take the inside out Iput it into into my picture with somewater and I blend it up and that’s whatI squeezed and I get my coconut milk icethere is a video that I have on mywebsite and I show you how to make yourown coconut milk ice from the coconutfrom the dry coconut ok so I have mycoconut milk here I have my chickenbroth I have all my ingredients here tocook my rice guys and if you don’t havefreshly squeezed for black guys feelfree to go ahead and use the ten coconutmilk or the powder coconut milk is nobig deal it’s gonna be the same just umfeel free to youif you can’t get your hands on freshlycoconut coconut ice just feel free to goahead and use of ten okayon my stove here guys I have my potswhich I have 2 tbsp of olive oil heatingup here guysso what were to do I’m going to go aheadand I’m going to add all of myingredients to the oil here guys that Ihave heating up here and I’m going tosee if the oil is be at the top so I’mgoing to go ahead and I am going to fryup all my seasoning here at nighteverything I’m going to put together inmy pot and I’m going to let it fry it upnicely into my[Music][Music]smells so good so good I’m gonna cut mybangs me thereokay thanks I’m gonna go ahead and I’mgonna give this a turn here actuallythat’s nothing look how beautiful thatis more amazing in here face yeah I havelike tied my basil my father myscallions my garlic the chili peppereverything is cooking up nicely hereBryce I’m gonna let that fry for aboutanother minute or so and see okay thankstill my season I’m gonna go ahead andI’m going to fry it by rice now so I’mgonna have my life here so my seasoningsjust like thatand I’m going to go ahead guys and I’mgoing to suspend on my right I’m goingto put one teaspoon of garlic powder 1teaspoon of onion powder and also guys Iam going to put a teaspoon of chickenbouillon lines okay actually I’m gonnaput a teaspoon and a half of chickenbouillon I’m going to go ahead and I’mgoing to add some black pepper guys thisis optional and I will give this a sauceand let the train lights leave it all onherethis is so beautiful the richestand I’m gonna let this price for aboutfive to six minutes guysuntil the rights and all the seasonlearn is nicely there guysand once I’m right the frame nicely intothe season in something lift up rightfor the ball play for six minutesokay guys I’m going to go ahead and I’mgoing to throw up[Music][Music]okay thanks to my rice I am going to goahead and I am going to add myblack-eyed peas guys and I am going togive this a nice cups here I’m gonnagive this a nice sauce here guyslet’s help the lipstick lipstick on theother guys and your first articleMississippi okay guys and to my right soI’m going to go ahead and I am going toadd my coconut milk hereand they were also added by chickenbrothand I am going to go ahead guys althoughyou want to give this a nice pass heremake sure everything is incorporatedwith each other here I’m gonna give it anice toss just like that paceand to my right guys I’m going to goahead and I am going to add somemushroom Chinese sauce guys this is verydelicious in the rice so I’m gonna pourhalf and I’m going to add about 2 tbspof this guys and also I’m going to addabout 1 tablespoon of low-sodium soysauceI’m just going to eyeball it and thenI’m going to go ahead and get this up toawesome and to my right ear guys I’mgonna need to add another cup and a halfof water so I’m gonna go ahead and popthat flower coming right because youalways wanted to water it to be about aninch and a half to two inches over therice guys okay you’ve always wanted yourliquid back your water your liquid to beabout 2 inches all over your nice sowhat I’m going to do now guys I’m goingto go ahead and I am going to cover thisfirst of all before I do that I’m goingto taste for salt because I did up butyou can go in so I’m gonna go ahead andI’m just gonna taste the saltand this is perfect I just don’t wantanything else it’s delicious so I’mgoing to cover this now guys I’m gonnaput it on medium heat and let this cookuntil my rice is completely boiled okayso I’m going to go ahead and I’m goingto cover that and let it cook until therice is completely bored for about 20minutes I’m gonna put my stove on mediumheat and let that cook away but it’sokay bear with me one minute okay thanksoh I’m gonna have I like this the top ofmy lungs op so now I’m going to go aheadand I am going to give this a flip I’mgoing to flip each one of these guys andI am going to baste the other sideChrist so I’m going to flip to over allof these here and I love chopped guysdid lose a little liquid but I wentahead and I drain those liquid outbecause I don’t at this point I don’twant too much liquid into the pan guysso I did went ahead and I drain some ofthose liquid out so I’m gonna go aheadand flip all of this and for some reasonguys okay thanks so I did not realizethat my careful without where there wasI’m telling you how to make the BBQsauce rice but I’m going to go ahead andI’m going to list it into thedescription guys all the ingredients andI took to make my barbecue sauce withrice okayand I ran ahead guys and I faced bothsides of my not chopped here guysI am going to go ahead and put it backin the oven for another 15 to 20 minutesguys okay and let this be asked for myrights guys all right I’m going to goahead and check on my rights now they’rejust woken up nicely here guys and myrice is also at the point where it’sfinishing up there guys how beautifulthis no guys look at this look howbeautiful and loose this is guys look atthat that’s what you wanna see okay guysso my rights only have about two tothree minutes more so I’m going to letthis continue cooking for about two tothree minutes for guys and then I’ll goahead and I’ll sharpen stock in the meatthat guys I will go ahead and I willplace my nut shot back into the Rope ofkinds for another 15 to 20 minutes andI’ll show you the finished work okay sojust bear with me guys but just in caseguys just in case for my barbecue sauceguys what I did I went ahead and I tookone cup of barbecue sauce any kind ofbarbecue sauce your advice I took werecup of barbecue sauce and I took quartercup of ketchup guys and I take two 1/2tablespoon of honeyand what a cup of tomato sauce andquarter cup of my roasted pineapplehabanero guys work of this is deliciousdelicious and long guys you should trythis I got a dead arm in Cusco guys andyou do have medium medium mild or hotflavor goodness I got the Mayansometimes I will go ahead and get thehot guy so today I’m using the mile butthis is very very good cuz it’spineapple and it’s a pineapple placewith habanero guys it’s like a littlesalsa here this is what I don’t knowthey put it into my sauce and that’swhat I went ahead and I base my my lunchup would nice so I’m going to put mylaptop again into my whole food foranother 15 to 20 minutes I’ll show youthe finished over okay bear with me okayguys so I’m gonna have and I took my momout of the oven guys and there you haveit my beautiful lamb chop guys let meput the camera in a little closer so youcould see the rabbit eyes my beautifullamb chop and over there is my pokerface back my blackout cup of rice sothen Navitus my lamb chop with my copperbright skies so I am going to go aheadguys anotherfor you so you can see what a joke rightso bear with me one secondI’m going to go ahead and I’m going toplay some of the rights here when theright spices nicely loosed so lose thebodies this is exactly how you want yourlife to belook at that guy’s just look at that andI am going to add face of the lamb chopyeahand this is so juicy and tender guysit’s amazing so suave and juicy andtender there are no advertise mybeautiful lamb chop with my black I cookup guys there you have itI’m going to go ahead and drizzle somesauce I’ve told my lamb chop friendsjust like that right that whole footstop guys I’m going to drizzle some ontomy lamb chop here just like that andthere you have it guys my beautifuldelicious moist juicy lamb chop guidesthere you have it so I hope you enjoyedthis video guys if you dokindly give it a thumbs up and you likeand share my video to all your friendsfamily coworkerssocial medias I will very muchappreciate it guys for who what not yetsubscribedwould you mind considering doing so Iwill very much appreciate that for allwho are subscribed to my channel thankyou so very muchon the right-hand corner of my channelguys there is a notification bell pleasedon’t forget to go ahead and click onthat you will be getting a notificationevery time I have loaded one of my videoguides you will be the first to benotified and there you have it guysbye beautiful delicious lamb chop