Hi! We’re Meadow and Arizona. On our channel, you will find fun educational adventures. In this episode we are doing our Cooking ‘Travel’ Adventures!
Join us as we go to Our Kitchen for our culinary travels! Today we are making Easy and Delicious Home made BBQ Sauce!!
We are two sisters who will take on sharing our experiences, knowledge, and all fun things we love to do and learn with all of you. Every weekday, except for certain major holidays, we’ll have a new morning announcement for you to enjoy.
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Original of the video here
BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
BBQ Turkey Recipes
Video Transcription
good day everyone Iannetta and dyerthana thank you gentlemen to take theultimate since the redshirts cookingaventures and i’ll today’s come on rightcooky pictures taken us our kitchenwe’re going to be making brown sugar 1/6cup apple cider vinegar 1 tbsp honey 1tablespoon of Worcestershire sauce 1 and1/4 cup 1/4 TSP strokes of paprika 1/2tsp dry mustard 1/4 teaspoon garlicpowder 1/4 teaspoon salt and 1/4teaspoon of pepper now let’s get started[Music]now I’m gonna start out in allingredients into this bowl first we’regoing to add a pepper ketchup and thenwe’re gonna add our apple cider vinegarbrown sugar honeythere are worse Shire sauce our smokedpaprika mm-hmm our dry mustard drymustard our our garlic powder it wassalty oh manI tried but now we’re going to mix it[Music][Music][Music]now we’re done mixing it this is how youmake barbecue sauce now this is how youdo it if you go walk boots and then cookit but if we got onto the hamburgeralready pork chicken and RIS then youwould put it in a panall the reason pan come on meat and letcook for 10 mins and then come on yourleg whoo that has been already cookedif you grab it on something that’s wrongin your growth okay then you make itlike this that’s how you make barbecuesaucethat concludes our cooking and Richardsfor today we hope to see you tomorrowdon’t forget subscribe to our channeljoin another ultimate[Music]