Today I try my hand at shredded beef from a beef brisket I had in my freezer for an year. So I always wanted to try some shredded beef.
I used some 50% pepper and garlic.
I smoked it at 250F for 4 hours till I wrapped it in tin foil or you can use butcher paper.
I did it till probe tender.
Then I removed it from thew smoker and started to shed it. It was so tender when I was shredding it.
What BBQ sauce did you use? I used some Diana and Staubs sauce as I had 2 different sauces. I liked to swig out the bottle with some soda as might as well add more flavor. I had put in 1/2 a can of diet pepsi but I should have done the entire can of pepsi. But hey; lesson learned.
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Original of the video here
BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
BBQ Turkey Recipes
Video Transcription
the people it is pulled beefeverything on my channel and lookedpretty good in the videos I’ve learnedfrom so my is okay into it this is halfof brisket yeah I found out it was abrisket through doing this I just thinkto like trim it up this is how it camein the package okay and like with thissees things I’d like to do as I call itand pepper and just rub it all in to themeat on all two four six sidesyeah six sides by the time you get itwhat I connected do them up night beforethen start the barbecue in the morningso I have more time to do the smokingI’m trying to do a smoke around 225 250but I actually Michael out tonight 250260 it is fine I mean I like to do itlow and slow anyway and about in fourand I know how long it’ll take but inabout four hours for me once it gets upto about hundred sixty Fahrenheit whenit stalls I have to wrap it up in tinfoil then go for another three three anda half hours until it’s pork tender thenI move it will and start to shredas I was reading it was really juicyintended and it’s like which is reallywhat I was expectingit did you and it’s so good for the parkyou saw I did was was like I just had toopen ones like the stops and a Dianasauce and they just also he was too Iused those two sauces plus I thoughtit’s perhaps heating inside out Ishould’ve used more Diet Pepsi as Ididn’t taste much Pepsi in the actualend product and I moved it back on thegrill for the sauce just set out forabout an hour then enjoy so thanks forwatching I suppose