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BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
BBQ Turkey Recipes
Video Transcription
hello guys for today’s video we aregoing to make crispy chicken wings inthree different flavors you have umKorean barbecue and we have garlicparmesan and hot and spicy first we needto season the chicken wings so we’regonna use Louisiana Cajun seasoning forthis so just apply it generously thechicken so we are just gonna treat thissystem seasoning as salt and pepper[Music]after we’re just gonna massage it to thechicken and make sure everything issex and give them properly if you thinkit’s still missing some seasoning add alittle bit more Nexus we’re gonna usesome plain salt not a lot just enough sojust a chicken again just make sure it’sevenly coated to all the parts I don’twe this is just 12 pieces chicken so wehave four pieces for flavor after evenlycoating the cajun seasoning and stuffwe’re gonna put pepper since I lovepepper I’m gonna put a lot hardly lovepepper makes everything good if you guyshave like garlic powder you guys can putalso but for this I’m just gonna usepepper Cajun seasoning and salt if youdon’t have Cajun seasoning there’s noneed for that but that actually givesextra flavor to the chicken once we fryit so now we’re just gonna evenly coatthe pepper to the chicken rings so I’mjust going to let this sit for like 20to 30 minutes until our chicken absorbsthe seasoning that we place on it andthen after we’re going to fry that inthe airfryer and then we’re going to dothe sauces afterwards man and so we’rejust gonna put everything inside so youopen this and this is the capacity ofour air failure so then I had Vitowe’re just gonna shape what’s insideevery like ten minutes of ever and sowe’re gonna put that inside here andlook after we’re gonna set this one to400 degrees right for 25 minutes andthen it’s gonna start to air fry[Music]hello everyone this is what we need forour flavouring today four garlicparmesan you would need butter damn youwould need Parmesan cheese you can usethe real Parmesan cheese but I’m gonnause a great one this is still real butthey didn’t then we’re gonna use garlicbread this one I’m just gonna use achopped garlic you guys then chop thefresh one it’s still good then we’regonna use the France red hot originalcayenne pepper sauce for our hot andspicy flavor and this one is really goodyou guys can use other brands but I’mgonna mix that with oil and butter thenwe have the blue cheese dressing thisone is just really good with with youcall this with the chicken wings we’rejust gonna use this as our dipping sauceand I’m a school thing or flavoring thatme high up for our barbecue flavor andwe have the sea jet Korean barbecuechicken import marinade this is crazyone brand this is why we already usingthis and we’re just gonna top that withsome sesame seeds roasted sesame seed sowhat’s gonna happen is up we’re stillgonna cook this all so it’s sticking andyou’re gonna put those little sesameseeds and so then after that this timewe’re gonna put the chicken wings sothat’s it for our clear I’m just gonnashare it to you all guys how we aregonna make the sauces for all three it’sbeen almost 10 minutes since we placedthe chicken as you can see it’s in therewe’re just gonna pull it out and you seethe chicken right here yes sorry guyslisten properlythis is how it looks like we’re justgonna shake this a little bit pleasesignal guys that if you don’t have airfryer you can just fry this the normalway you know with oil and stuff likethat this one if you have an air fryeryou don’t need oil anymore which is likea healthy option if you want to frystuff and so we’re just gonna put thatback as you see it’s not get cooked andthen it’s cooking again okay guys it’sbeen exactly like 15 minutes or like wasthe one on top so it gets crispy orcooked evenlyyeah 25 minutes is done and then we’regonna see how it is so this is how thechicken looks like so we’re gonna cookthis more for like 15 minutes the reasonwhy we place 25 minutes first is how youjust wanted to adjust it will actuallydepend on how big your chicken wings areand so this one is kind of big so we’rejust gonna cook this for a little bitmore time oh my god look at thatokay guys so this is how our chickenwings look like now we’re going to makethe saucewhen butter is added add garlic and addParmesan cheese so now we’re gonna getthe chicken looks good sorry sorry sorrysorry[Music]it doesn’t look cooked so this is thefinal one guys this is the barbecue thisis garlic parmesan and then Mary knowwhat you said I ain’t even you know Iknow person face Testament not then withjust a seasoning then we have the hotand spicy I hope you guys try this oneand if you do please tell me if youdon’t want your chicken wings man[Music][Music]