#traeger #chickenwings #bbq #socialdistancing #epidemicsound
For today’s roller coaster we are cooking some chicken wings and drums while practicing our social distancing. And as always stick around for the bloopers at the end!
Original of the video here
BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
BBQ Turkey Recipes
Video Transcription
[Music]what’s up everybody its Kyle with Kateour destinationsmy wife’s over here doing puzzles but wethought we’d do a little tutorial seeone thing I love to do is cook cuz youknow food is life anyways today today atEaster Sunday and we have decided thatsince we’re kind of on the quarantinewe’re gonna do what we call a parkingspot cook-off and got a couple ofneighbors are gonna come over from theirlittle areas and basically we’re gonnagrill some chicken wings and somechicken legs well yeah not come over butthey’re gonna contribute and then we’regonna do our social distancing and justkind of sit around and stick around hangaround for this journey and try to takeit to the steps of some of the marinadesand some of the seasonings I’m gonna useokay well first things first alwayssanitation you make sure you wash yourhands get it all nice and sanitized andso you’re not gonna contaminate any ofthe food that is key normally we pick upsome farm-fresh drumsticks but I tellyou what with all this craziness goingon pickings were slim so we picked upslim pickings so we ended up having toget some of these other ones now thesehave a little bit of the thigh meat onthem which is what I really like aboutthem I mean if you’re lucky a lot ofthem are just the drumsticksbut again washing cleaning now we’regonna do a couple of different flavorstoday one or two bags of teriyaki andthen one of barbecue and then one of ournext-door neighbors was asking forsomething a little spicy now I can’t dospicy so we’re gonna figure outsomething from himWow I picked up this Kikkomanteriyaki based in glaze if I move it inwell this is a really good really goodflavor as far as teriyaki goes once youget it in there then we’re gonna takethis we’re gonna stick it in the fridgelet that marinate for a moment as far asbarbecue sauce is gowe love sweet baby Ray’s we normally geteither Hickory or brown sugar or theregular or sometimes we’ll mix them butthis this Brock you sauce is fire what Ido normally is I kind of blend it aroundsame time just kind of squeeze the airout of it slowly close the seal so thefinal ones flip it amazing rub and whatwe do is we put this on I guess we putit on the smoker we let them sit andthen I’ll sprinkle this over there wedon’t put it in the bag with it becauseit’ll just clump up and it does kind ofget gooey and nasty it’s kind of grossso this rub that we’ve got it’s just inthis little container because we didn’thave anything else but stick around andyou get that put on there as well prettyexcited man it’s gonna be a good day soour little table set up got the good oldTraeger smoker set up oh yeah replace alittle oil recentlyI myself for this pellets that I use Ihave a all-natural barbecue hard woodpellets they call it the competitionblend but whatever but it’s hickorymaple and apple blend so stick aroundwe’re gonna fire this bad boy up seewhat we can get going and we got ourchicken legs that are gonna be dryrubbed we’ve got our barbecue gariteriyaki and then a couple of chickenbreasts because my daughter loves takingrests seasoning and marinating in theteriyaki okay so got that switched overto 325 and here everything’s starting tokick on we’ll come back down here inabout 15-20 minutes see where we’resitting at and I’m sure it’ll be readyokay so the first batch we’re gonna dothe one for the dry rubat this little dry rub we put to give itthese are all the teriyaki wandsvery trueclose thatlet that start heating up again alright[Music]look at them bad boy get a nice evencook on all of them but we always wantto check the temperature on these you’relooking for an internal temperature of165 I have this digital readout 1 byTaylor which was happily given to me bymy best friend and what we’ll dogo ahead and check out one of these justkind of see how it’s doingnow see the chicken breast is probablyalready done but my daughter likes heris very very very very well cooked nowall these are reading out about 137 135yep that was about 150you always want to check all of the oneson the ends I’m probably cookingthey’re about 150 they’re getting closestick around we’re gonna see what’s upall right these the last of them oh snapI think those are almost done but in themeantime we’ve pulled a few off and asyou can tell I set up the little areafor the wife of Stuart editing editingin the next video that you guys aregonna see you know other wings are asyou could tell before you’re obliteratedsound but money money money money moneywhich one you got thereI’m the rub ah the chicken rub alrightguys and that was our little tutorialI’ll let her get back to eating chickenwings on the trigger supposed to washyour hands wash your hands wash yourhands is gross gross